How to keep your FinTech game up to speed

It all started when my friend said she was still converting her € into £ at a local bank branch, costing her an additional €20 in fees. That’s when I realized how unawareness really does cost you a lot!

It was then when Ι decided that I had to (at least) try and do something about it; maybe suggest ways to spare her some trouble (and some money!), or maybe I could write a blog and share those ways with others as well.  So, this is how I find myself putting this blog together, wearing a *superwoman* t-shirt, sipping coffee on my balcony.

If you, like me, are fascinated by how technology has changed the way we complete our everyday transactions and want to know how to follow the millennial way of banking, then read on.

If you, like me, cannot understand people who would much rather line up at a bank branch, wait patiently to receive mediocre service and almost never be able to do what they had wanted to do without an extra charge (although admittedly we were one of them at some point..), then you’re on the right page.

Because through this blog you will find out how FinTech can solve our usual, daily questions on completing our financial transactions and you will get the latest news on FinTech in Cyprus and across the world.

I’m not promising I will solve all your problems, I guess that’s more of an interpersonal promise to be made anyway. But I will be giving you regular updates on FinTech companies and startups that could help make your life just a little bit easier and a little bit more exciting.

So, if you really want to know how technology spares you from the frustration, simplifies the normal things (like, for example, those conversion fees or transaction fees or bank fees which no one really seems to be able to explain why you have to pay them) and saves you money, then stay tuned. Exciting stuff coming up! 

If you enjoyed this article (and are looking forward to the next one) please recommend and share. And don’t forget to subscribe to the #stepbeyondbanking mailing list.

Published by Mikaela Kantor

Lawyer • FinTech enthusiast • Innovation chaser • Forward thinker •

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